Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Is Never Coming Is It

Well it turns out that I think Spring isn't coming this year and that the weather wants to keep me stuck in Oneonta. Once again yesterday and today we have some nice rain/Ice rain. A little news some of my weekly mileages how to be cut this week, cause guess what the ice finally got to me and deiced it was going to take me to the ground. Lucky I wasn't hurt that bad the worst thing is the nice scape/cut above my lip. It doesn't make me look like Brad Pitt and more, but hey I take that over not being able have run for a longer time.
So it turns out though that this weather actually did help me get a personal best, I was able to do 10 Miles on the treadmill. This is the first time I broke into double digits on that machine. It was actually bad this time though felt pretty. With out planning Journey brought me to the end with Don't Stop Believing, couldn't have been more perfect.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday Is Now Strom Day

Well for some reason it seems like every Tuesday in Oneonta this winter is a snow/ice/rain/ some type of storm, I don't know why, but it is. Well today was a nice sleet/rain storm making the roads and side walk nice and icy and forcing me to that stupid treadmill. You know, I'm thinking of bring my bed down right to the treadmill and just live next too it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Day of Warmness outside

Well I don't know how, but it was like 45 degrees outside today. I hoping that it is a sign that good running weather is on it's way and that winter is passing, let's hope so. Well I got a a nice 5 Mile did a little some hills and had an overall good run.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Strang Morning

Well what I can I say. When I woke up this morning it was nice and cloudy and you could tell that it was just cold outside and not nice. Then it started to snow a little and you could tell it was wind. Why cause the light snow was going crazy. So of I made the decision to use the the boring treadmill. It was a good run though,but man I hate running on that thing. Lucky a friend of mine was on the epplitcal next to me, so ya it made it go by a little faster. Well now here is the strange part, I get of of the shower and guess what sunny and no snow falling. Arrrggghhhh I hate this weired weather. Further Note. I know thank everyone who is donating and supporting me, but I know everyone love magazines or may have some of the subscription ending. well click the link below and get those ones you like for up to 85% off and they will give 40% to the LSS what a deal

Friday, February 29, 2008

TGIF It's Friday

Well Guess What ? Its Friday Ya, but its still cold outside booo. Well since it was in the negative for the real feel and ice all over I thought, lets not kill ourself running outside, so it was an inside run again. Although, this time I hit the "indoor track" at school for the daily run. It was kinda of good move though cause your not really allow to speed run on, so I was able to run a little slower and control my run more which I need to do, cause I doing my non-long runs a little too fast. The change it pace was good, plus no hill's which was nice.
So I was thinking last night while walking back from class in the nice cold weather and though, I have lost all hope in Malverne Mel the ground hog. He said that Spring was suppose to come early this year. I believed that he lied to us on purpose so he can laugh at us why we stay going to work and doing things outside.
In signing off the day I say good bye and say a little prayer that it warms up 2mwr so thank I can enjoy the long run day.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What Time of year is it

Oh the weather out side is fright full and the fire is so delightful let it snow snow snow. Wait what I'm I saying, hell NO, It's March to snowing all ready Man Man. I just happy that I know I have everyone support and running for the those fighting cancer, cause man I hate the freaking treadmill AKA the Treadmill it so bad. Although I did 5 miles on it today. So basically Oneonta is getting hit with Snow Snow Snow, so I see how the running goes 2mwr not sure what I going to do yet,but will see. Have a good day everyone.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

First Blog For Marathon Training

Well Hey Everyone one and Welcome. Today was suppose to be a team run, but guess what? Snow cancel it. Go figure. I telling you as soon as I'm done with school this May, my goal is to get out of the North East ASAP. Well I did a 5 Miler today on the treadmill and made it into a little of a Tempo Run. Using my first my mile as a warm up then 2 miles at 7:30 Pace and 1 at 6:54 Pace and cool down. Surprisingly I actually focus on the time, cause I usually hate keeping track of pace and time a lot. Well this is my first blog, so I'm sure it will get better.